Resolution No. 19/2023, issued by the Ministry of National Security on 16 January 2023 (the “Resolution“), set up the Environmental Crime Analysis and Prevention Unit (Unidad de Análisis y Prevención de Delitos Ambientales) and the Environmental Crime Assessment Board (Mesa de Evaluación de Delitos Ambientales) aimed at generating mechanisms for the prevention and fight against environmental crimes.
Relevant aspects of the Resolution
A. The Environmental Crime Analysis and Prevention Unit (the “Unit”)
The Unit -created within the scope of the Undersecretariat for Criminal Investigation and Judicial Cooperation-, is entitled to:
- assist in the detection and prevention of environmental crimes that may take place within the national territory, whether they affect the flora, fauna, soil, air, water and/or maritime spaces subject to national jurisdiction;
- collect and systematize information on environmental crimes committed in the national territory, from both non individualized sources and the Federal Police and Security Forces;
- develop indicators and prepare periodic reports as an input for the work of the Board (as such term is defined in section B below) and upon the request of other areas of the Ministry of Security;
- prepare a location map to detect “hot zones” and propose measures aimed at preventing environmental crimes;
- coordinate the exchange of information between the Federal Police and Security Forces for the generation of early warnings regarding the commission of environmental crimes;
- provide technical-administrative support for the operation of the Board and the supporting documentation related to the tasks accomplished in the field related hereto, and manage the appointment of representatives of the Federal Police and Security Forces that participate in the Board; and
- Analyze legal cases regarding environmental crimes to improve the procedures followed by the Federal Police and Security Forces.
The Resolution authorizes the Secretary of Security and Criminal Policy to appoint the head of the Unit, who will oversee the Board. Likewise, it provides that the Unit will convene the Board to hold periodic meetings to fulfil its goals.
B. Creation of the Environmental Crime Assessment Board (the “Board”)
The Board -created within the scope of the Undersecretariat for Criminal Investigation and Judicial Cooperation- is meant to detecting and preventing environmental crimes -as well as other close related crimes that concur with the main crime foreseen and punishable by the Penal Code of the Argentine Nation (Código Penal de la Nación Argentina)-, for a comprehensive approach to the investigation.
The Board will be composed of representatives of the Unit, the National Criminal Investigation Directorate, the Federal Crime Investigation Directorate, the National Criminal Intelligence Directorate, the environmental divisions of the Argentine Federal Police, Argentine National Gendarmerie, Naval Prefecture Argentina and Airport Security Police, and all other personnel from federal, national or provincial entities and/or civil society organizations competent in environmental matters.
For additional information, please contact Nicolás Eliaschev, Pablo Arrascaeta, María Eugenia Muñoz and/or Rocío Valdez.