The following is a summary of the recent resolutions issued by the Federal Mining Secretariat (“FMS“):

FMS Resolution 50/2022 – Deadline extensions

Resolution No. 50/2022 of the FMS, published in the Official Gazette on 10/31/2022, extends for 180 days the deadline set for the rendering of the funds received by the Provinces, in connection with the Projects set up under the “Plan Nacional de Minería Social”, under the “Plan Nacional de Huellas Mineras” and the scope of other social programs or initiatives of different fiscal years.

The Resolution reaches the Provinces that have funds which have not been allocated to each project submitted within due deadlines. The Resolution authorizes the Provinces to: (i) return those funds; or, (ii) declare their intention to reallocate those funds to a new project that is compatible with the guidelines of the regulations in force.

FMS Resolution 53/2022 – Launch of the Federal Project

Resolution No. 53/2022, published in the Official Gazette on 10/31/2022, establishes the Federal Project on Strengthening Capacities for the monitoring of environmental variables in Mining (the “Federal Project”).

The Federal Project’s objectives are: (a) to cooperate and assist all the provinces of Argentina in the assessment and environmental control of mining projects; (b) to promote training actions aimed at strengthening the agents in charge of carrying out such control; (c) to promote inter-institutional agreements aimed at fostering cooperation in infrastructure, knowledge, and control and diagnostic tools; (d) encourage greater participation of communities, academic entities and other interested parties in the planning and execution of mining environmental monitoring actions; (e) generate a framework for greater disclosure of the results of mining environmental monitoring, through instruments that guarantee greater transparency in the sector; and (f) contribute to financial assistance mechanisms for the incorporation of the necessary infrastructure to establish better control.


For further information, please contact either Dolores Reyes, Marcos Moreno Hueyo, or Nicolás Eliaschev.