The Secretary of Energy has launched a call for expressions of interest to manage and finance (in whole or in part, with other interested parties, or with the National Government) extension works of the high-voltage transmission facilities (“EOIT”).

On July 6, 2023, Resolution No. 562/2023 issued by the Secretary of Energy (“Resolution 562”) was published in the Official Gazette. This regulation has initiated the EOIT and sets forth the main rules to be complied by interested parties in submitting non-binding proposals before the Secretary of Energy.

The call seeks proposals to ramp-up investments in the power generation and transmission sectors. The call is aimed to (among others) high-consuming power industries (e.g., mining projects), that may be interested in expanding the existing transmission facilities.

Resolution 562 expressly states that there has been a continuous growth in the power generation sector, yet such increase has not been matched by the necessary transmission works.

Reference is also made to the mining projects located in the north of the Province of San Juan (copper and gold, among others) and in the northwestern provinces (lithium) -many of them in areas that as of the date hereof are off-grid. According to Resolution 562, such projects could improve their feasibility and accelerate FID status if they were able to offtake electricity from the grid.

1. Key aspects of the EOIT

Under the EOIT, interested parties are invited to submit expressions of interest related to:

  1. the expansion of transmission capacity that would allow new power supply to be supplied to high-demand areas, in which the Government may provide funding up to 50% of the investment; or
  2. the supply of energy to mining projects that are currently off-grid, in which the funding is to be entirely provided by private investors or assumed by the sponsor.

2. EOIT requirements

EOITs must comply with certain requirements, such as, inter alia: provide details of the company or group of companies submitting the EOIT, describe the works to be undertaken, and the financing structure envisioned.

With respect to works that involve the expansion of the transmission grid, the submitting party will have a right of priority of dispatch over such facility, pursuant to the terms of Resolution 360/2023 (for additional information on this regulation, please click here).

EOITs shall be submitted no later than October 4th, 2023.


For additional information, please contact Nicolás Eliaschev, Javier Constanzó, and/or Rocío Valdez.